YMR Registration Form
Register your Yellow Mustang FREE of charge

This form is to submit your Yellow Mustang to be placed on our Owners List. Your mailing address, email address, and VIN are kept strictly confidential. Your mailing address is NOT required and absolutely no information is given out to anyone for any reason. Your info will appear on the Owner's List within a reasonable amount of time if verified to be accurate.

If you do not get an email confirmation within 45 days, then you may have mistyped your email address in which case you need to resubmit the form. New members will NOT be added without a valid email address.

Use the form below to submit your name and Mustang Information to the Yellow Mustang Registry. You will be assigned a permanent YMR member number that is added to our Owner's List online. You are always welcome to notify us at a later date if you change information so there's no need to wait until future modifications before registering.
NOTE: This form registers your car with YMR and the Owner's List, but is NOT for setting a username/password on our Forums. If you would like to post messages on the YMR Forums, you will need to register a username there also.

Register free of charge. (* marks required fields)
*First and Last Name:
Mailing Address:(optional)
*Model Year: 
*Body Style:
*Body Color
  Top Color
(*Convertibles only):
*Interior Seat Style:
*Interior Color:
*E-mail Address:
  I would like to receive the YMR e-mail newsletter:
  Your Website:
  How did you hear about YMR?
  Comments or Modifications: